- Tants / Dance
- Teater / Theatre
- Muusika / Music
- Pärandkultuur ja -tehnoloogiad / Estonian native crafts
- Ringtehnoloogiad / Circular technologies
- Kultuurikorraldus / Arts amangement
- Kogukonnaharidus / Community education
- Kunstide ja tehnoloogia õpetus / Teachers of arts and technology
Soovitame siin lehel kultuuriakadeemias õpetatavatele erialadele sobivaid teadus- ja erialaajakirju. Ajakirjade täistekstid on kättesaadavad kas TÜ võrgus (logi sisse konkreetsesse andmebaasi või kasuta koduarvutis ülikooli VPN-i) või on ajakiri avatud juurdepääsuga (tähis OA). Ajakirja pealkirja järel on link TÜ litsentsiandemebaaside nimekirja, kust saate valida vajaliku andmebaasi ja siis sisse logida.
OA tähisega ajakirjade pealkirjadel klõpsates saate kohe ajakirja kodulehele. Lisatud on ka ajakirjade sisu lühitutvustused. Paljud ajakirjad on multidistsiplinaarsed, kajastades näiteks nii tantsu, teatrit kui muusikat, seega tasub üle vaadata erinevad alajaotused nimestikus.
- Dance Education in Practice - (Taylor & Francis online)
- Dance Research Journal - (Cambridge University Press e-ajakirjad)
- Journal of Dance Education : Official Publication of the National Dance Education Organization - (Taylor & Francis online)
- Journal of Dance Medicine & Science - (Ingenta Connect)
- Research in dance education - (Taylor & Francis online)
- Dance Magazine - (EBSCO academic search complete)
- Nordic Journal of Dance OA
- Theatre, Dance and Performance Training ( TDPT) (Taylor & Francis online) peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for practitioners, academics, creative artists and pedagogues to articulate research into performance training in all its diversity
- Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research that explores the role of the body in its relationship with the mind in psychotherapy
- International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes critical scholarship and creative pedagogies on media technologies and performance for theatre, dance, music, live art, or computer science
- Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD) (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research on physical education, recreation and dance, including teaching methods, youth sports, fitness, leisure and movement sciences
- Teaching Artist Journal (Taylor & Francis online) Teaching Artist Journal is devoted to the practice and thought of teaching artists and all those working at the intersections of arts and learning.
- Journal of Theatrical Combatives OA
- Live Design OA
- Theatre & Performance Design - (Taylor & Francis online) international peer-reviewed journal of scenography
- Baltic Screen Media Review. OA (focuses on all forms of audiovisual culture emerging from the region and approaches these from a fiercely interdisciplinary angle – incorporating conceptual and methodological insights deriving from film and media studies, new media studies, culture studies, media innovation and management studies, political economy of media and cultural industries, media policy studies, etc.)
- Amfiteater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory. OA scientific journal that publishes original articles on performing arts with a broad spectrum from dramatic theatre, drama, dance, performance, and hybrid art forms
- Lighting and Sound International. OA
- International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (Taylor & Francis online)
- PAJ : a Journal of Performance and Art. (TÜ võrgus) explores innovative work in theatre, performance art, dance, video, writing, technology, sound, and music, bringing together all live arts in thoughtful cultural dialogue)
- Stanislavski Studies : Practice, Legacy, and Contemporary Theater (Taylor & Francis online)
- Contemporary Theatre Review (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research on theatre and performance, including mainstream theatre, drama, performance histories, live and performance art, dance theatre and sound
- New Theatre Quarterly (Cambridge University Press e-ajakirjad) provides a vital international forum where theatrical scholarship and practice can meet and where prevailing dramatic assumptions can be subjected to vigorous critical questioning
- Studies in Theatre and Performance (Taylor & Francis online) publishes work that explores theatre and performance practice across histories, cultures and disciplinary boundaries
- Theatre Research International (Taylor & Francis online) publishes articles on theatre practices in their social, cultural, and historical contexts, their relationship to other media of representation
- Theatre, Dance and Performance Training ( TDPT) (Taylor & Francis online) peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for practitioners, academics, creative artists and pedagogues to articulate research into performance training in all its diversity
- Text and Performance Quarterly (Taylor & Francis online) publishes original scholarship that explores and advances the study of performance as a communicative, critical, social practice.
- Nordic Theatre Studies. OA
- Methis. OA Otsi teatriteaduse erinumbreid
- Sightline. OA Journal of theatre technology and design
- Theatre Design and Technology. OA
- The Echo. OA (sound design)
- Acoustics. OA peer-reviewed, open access journal on acoustics science and engineering
- Artes. Journal of Musicology. OA
- EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (SpringerLink e-ajakirjad)
- The Journal of Music History Pedagogy. OA publishes original research on any aspect of the teaching and learning of music history at both the undergraduate and graduate level, for all audiences (majors, non-majors, and the public), and all genres of music
- International Journal of Music Education (Sage Journals Online)
- Journal of Music Teacher Education (Sage Journals Online)
- Journal of Music, Technology & Education (Academic search complete)
- Journal of Research in Music Education (Sage Journals Online)
- Music Education Research (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research on all areas of music education, including research issues from the viewpoint of philosophy, sociology, psychology and comparative studies
- Nordic Research in Music Education. OA international peer-reviewed open access journal established by the Nordic Network of Music Education Research
- Update: Applications of Research in Music Education (Sage Journals Online) peer-reviewed online-only journal, brings research in music teaching and learning close to everyday practice to help teachers apply research in their music classrooms and rehearsal halls
- Jazz Perspectives (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research on the rich legacy of jazz and its many musical and cultural tangents, both past and present
- Journal of Jazz Studies. OA
- Ethnomusicology Forum (Taylor & Francis online)
- New Sound: International Magazine for Music. OA peer reviewed academic periodical. It promotes musical creativity and theoretical concepts about music – musicological, ethnomusicological, analytical, phylosofical, aesthetical, etc
- Studio e-Magazin. OA für professionelle Audiotechnik und berichtet als einzige Publikation im deutschsprachigen Raum monatlich ausschließlich für die professionelle Audiobranche
- Journal on the Art of Record Production (JARP) OA peer reviewed journal promoting the interdisciplinary study of record and music production
- Popular Music and Society (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research on popular music of any genre, time period or geographic location and focuses on music as a manifestation of popular culture
- Contemporary Music Review (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research on aspects of contemporary music, such as techniques of performance and composition, aesthetics and relationships with other disciplines
- Form Academic. OA research journal of design and design education
- Techne Series. OA Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science
- Archaeological Textiles Review.OA
- Craft Research (TÜ võrgus)
- The Journal of Modern Craft (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research on craft in all its historical and contemporary manifestations, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day
- Archaeologia Baltica. OA publishes all fields of European archaeology, with a special focus on the archaeology of the region around the Baltic Sea, and advance scientific methods and techniques in archaeology
- Journal of Dress History. OA academic publication of The Association of Dress Historians (ADH) through which scholars can articulate original research in a constructive, interdisciplinary, and peer reviewed environment
- Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae. OA historical archaeology in Europe: from antiquity to modern times. Preference is given to issues connected with the history of material culture, arms and armour, architecture, and the history of textiles
- Arheoloogilised Välitööd Eestis. OA
- Textile History (Taylor & Francis online) peer-reviewed, internationally recognized leading publication for the history of textiles, dress, clothing and apparel.
- TEXTILE. Cloth and Culture (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research in textiles, cloth, and raw materials with their social, personal and cultural meanings in material history and visual culture worldwide
- Vernacular Architecture (Taylor & Francis online) publishing articles on all aspects of vernacular buildings, including the history, material culture, archaeology and architecture.
- International Journal of Architectural Heritage (Taylor & Francis online) provides a multidisciplinary scientific overview of existing resources and modern technologies useful for the study and repair of historical buildings and other structures
- International Journal of Intangible Heritage OA
- Heritage. OA international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of cultural and natural heritage science
- Journal of Cultural Heritage (Science direct)
- International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS) (Taylor & Francis online) publishing interdisciplinary heritage research, covering museums, tourism, cultural studies, anthropology and memory studies
- Arms & Armour (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes on the use, development, decoration and display of arms and armour through ancient, medieval, military and modern history
- Dress, the journal of the Costume Society of America (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research that examines the significance of dress in art, social history, anthropology, and material culture
- Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes advances on textile design and practice, as well as technologies, methods and education of textile design
- Journal of Jewellery Research. OA peer-reviewed online and open-access publication that focuses on the design, theory and praxis of jewellery studies
- Santa Fe Symposium Papers Archiv. OA library of jewelry-making and manufacturing knowledge
- Ethnoarchaeology. Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies (Taylor & Francis online) publishes original research in ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology
- European Journal of Archaeology (Taylor & Francis online)
- Fashion Theory (Taylor & Francis online) publishes research on fashion as the cultural construction of the embodied identity and on the cultural significance of self-fashioning
- EXARC.net OA Reconstruction of wooden buildings.
- EXARC.net OA Textiles
- Heritage. An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of cultural and natural heritage science published monthly by MDPI. OA
- Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. OA journal publishes research about environmental challenges and sustainability transformations of societal systems.(Taylor & Francis online)
- Sustainability OA an international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal of environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings
- Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy (WM&R) publishes peer-reviewed articles relating to both the theory and practice of waste management and research(SAGE journals online)
- Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice (Science Direct)
- Circular Economy and Sustainability journal aims to bring a new approach of the key concepts of circular economy and sustainability, by combining the scientific disciplines of economy, management, engineering, technology, environment, and society (SpringerLink e-ajakirjad)
- Resources, Conservation & Recycling (ScienceDirect e-journals)
- The International Journal of the Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. OA
- Low-tech Magazine. Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices
- ENCATC Journal OA EJCMP aims to stimulate debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers, and cultural managers
- ENCATC Scholar. OA intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies
- ENCATC Magazine OA meant to educate, entertain, raise awareness, and inform on various topics related to cultural management and policy
- International Journal of Event and Festival Management (Emerald Insight)
- Arts and the Market (Emerald Insight)
- Creative Industries Journal. (Taylor & Francis Online)
- European Project Management Journal is an open-access academic journal that aims to present the most recent knowledge in the fields of project management and other specialized management disciplines. OA
- Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation. OA
- International Journal of Music Business Research. OA
- International Journal of Arts Management (Ebsco business source complete) provides a forum for challenging and debating coherent theories and models, as well as their application in cultural and arts practice.
- The Journal of Modern Project Management. OA
- Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing (JTHSM) OA international, open-access, multi-disciplinary, refereed (double blind peer-review) journal, aiming to promote and enhance research in tourism, heritage and services marketing
- Visitor Studies (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research on the visitor experience in museums, zoos, nature centers, visitor centers, historic sites, parks, and tourist attractions
- The Journal of Convention and Event Tourism (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes research offering global perspectives on the dynamic meetings and events industry, including business, sports, and cultural events that draw tourists
- Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts. OA disseminates new thinking and perspectives on arts entrepreneurship theory, practice, and pedagogy
- Cultural Trends. (Taylor & Francis online) provides in-depth analysis of the cultural sector and cultural policy
- International Journal of Community Well-being (SpringerLink e-ajakirjad)
- The International Journal of Early Childhood (SpringerLink e-ajakirjad)
- Early Child Development and Care (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes works on research, planning, education and care of infants and young children, including multidisciplinary works on early child development and care
- Education 3-13. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes international research on primary education, including early years teaching and practices and the transfer to secondary education
- Early Education and Development (Taylor & Francis online) publishes empirical research on the links between early childhood education and children's development from birth to age 8
- Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (Taylor & Francis online) provides an international forum for innovative research into drama and theatre conducted in community, education, developmental and therapeutic contexts
- Youth Theatre Journal (Taylor & Francis online) publish the work of authors who create distinctive ways of advancing theory, inquiry, documentation, discussion, critique, and advocacy of theatre or drama created by, for, or with young people in a wide range of contexts
- YOUTH. OA international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on education, sociology, economics, cultural studies and other social perspectives of youth and young adulthood
- Adolescents. OA peer-reviewed, open access journal on adolescent development and health sciences
- Community Development Journal (Oxford Academic) adopts a broad definition of community development to include policy, planning and action as they impact on the life of communities
- CONCEPT. OA offers a lively independent forum for critical debate and exchange of ideas in contemporary Community Education
- Journal of Youth Studies (Taylor & Francis online) international scholarly journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of young people’s experiences and life contexts
- Children and Youth Services Review (Science Direct) multidisciplinary journal that focuses on disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable children, young people, families and the systems designed to support them
- Children & Society (Wiley online library e-ajakirjad) high quality research and debate on all aspects of childhood and policies and services for children and young people
- Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning (Taylor & Francis online) The main purpose of the journal is to provide a central point and place of reference for the publication and dissemination of research and scholarship on adventure and the outdoors as media for learning, as well as recreation
- Middle School Journal (Taylor & Francis online) journal offers articles that promote quality middle level education and contribute to an understanding of the educational and developmental needs of youth between the ages of 10 and 15
- Educational Research and Evaluation (Taylor & Francis online) Publishes international research on every aspect of education at any educational level and in all sectors and fields of education
- Journal of Youth Development. OA The Journal of Youth Development fills a unique and critical niche in the youth development arena: it is a place designed for bridging applied research and practice. In other words, it addresses issues and features studies and practice efforts that have implications for those working with and on behalf of young people in youth-serving organizations and the intermediaries that support them
- New Directions for Student Leadership. Wiley Online Library Special issue: Professional development for youth workers
- Children and Youth Services Review. Science Direct international, multidisciplinary journal that focuses on disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable children, young people, families and the systems designed to support them
- Review of Artistic Education OA
- The International Journal of Technology and Design Education. (SpringerLink e-ajakirjad)
- form academic. OA research journal of design and design education
- European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education. OA
- Techne Series. OA Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science
- International Journal of Education and the Arts. OA
- Journal for Learning through the Arts. OA peer-reviewed journal focused on disseminating current theory, research, practice, and thinking on arts integration in schools and communities
- International Journal of Education Through Art (Ingenta Connect), osaline juurdepääs, promotes relationships between art and education
- Visual Arts Research (JSTOR) provides a forum for historical, critical, cultural, psychological, educational and conceptual research in visual arts and aesthetic education
- Teaching Artist Journal (Taylor & Francis online) Teaching Artist Journal is devoted to the practice and thought of teaching artists and all those working at the intersections of arts and learning.
- Design / Arts Education Policy Review(Taylor & Francis online) addressing education in music, visual arts, theatre, and dance, the journal presents a variety of views and emphasizes critical analysis
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