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Viimati täiendatud 02.10.2024

🎇Pärandkultuur. Kultuuripärandi loovrakendused

  1. Craftspeople and Designer Makers in the Contemporary Creative Economy .OA
  2. Anthropology of Color : Interdisciplinary Multilevel Modeling. OA
  3. Из культурного наследия народов России. OA
  4. Cultural Heritage in a Changing World. OA
  5. Украшения народов Сибири. OA
  6. Предметный мир народов Европейской России в этнографической перспективе: каталоги, классификации, полевые исследования. OA
  7.  Из культурного наследия народов Восточной Европы. OA
  8.  Из культурного наследия народов России. OA
  9.  Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns TÜ võrgus
  10. The Craftsman TÜ võrgus
  11. Dinge als Herausforderung : Kontexte, Umgangsweisen und Umwertungen von Objekten. OA
  12. Ethnographic Experiments with Artists, Designers and Boundary Objects : Exhibitions as a research method. OA
  13. How Ancient Europeans Saw the World : Vision, Patterns, and the Shaping of the Mind in Prehistoric Times. TÜ võrgus
  14. Craft sciences. OA
  15. Crafting cultural heritage. OA
  16. The persistence of craft : the applied arts today. OA
  17. Before the Heels: Footwear and Shoemaking in Turku in the Middle Ages and at the Beginning of the Early Modern Period. OA
  18. Sheaths, Scabbards and Grip Coverings: The use of leather for portable personal objects in the 14th-16th century Turku. OA
  19. The Value of an Archaeological Open-Air Museum is in its Use : Understanding Archaeological Open-Air Museums and their Visitors. OA
  20. Bronze Age Lives. OA
  21. Ways of making and knowing : the material culture of empirical knowledge. OA
  22. Tell me about...crafts. OA
  23. Craft and contemporary culture. OA
  24. Pits and Boots : Excavation of Medieval and Post-medieval Backlands under the Bon Accord Centre, Aberdeen. OA
  25. Northern archaeology and cosmology. OA
  26. Comradely objects : Design and material culture in Soviet Russia, 1960s–80s. OA
  27. Connecting Elites and Regions. Perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe. OA
  28. Craft economies. TÜ võrgus
  29. Choosing craft : The Artist's Viewpoint. TÜ võrgus
  30. Museums and Crafts. OA
  31. Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA). Book of abstracts, The 42nd annual meeting. OA
  32. Dyes in History and Archaeology. 41 OA
  33. Ornament: two thousand decorative motifs in colour, forming a survey of the applied art of all ages and all countries. 1924, OA
  34. Connectivity and creativity in times of conflict. OA. Cumulus 2023 (Architecture
    Interior design, decor & style guides. Product design)
  36. Hälsinglands inredningskultur. Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland - a holistic study of a World Heritage. OA
  37. Peasant art in Sweden, Lapland and Iceland. OA
  38. The Museum as Experience : Learning, Connection, and Shared Space. OA
  39. Household goods in the European medieval and early modern countryside. OA
  40. The grammar of ornament / Owen Jones. OA
  41. Birka / Bente Magnus. OA
  42. Applied design research : A Mosaic of 22 Examples, Experiences and Interpretations Focussing on Bridging the Gap between Practice and Academics. OA
  43. Über die materielle Kultur der Esten im Mittelalter. OA

 🔨Rahvuslik ehitus

  1. Timber Engineering : Principles for Design. OA
  2. Bio-based Building Skin. OA
  3. Conceptual Joining : Wood Structures from Detail to Utopia. OA
  4. The Invisible Tools of a Timber Framer - A survey of principles, situations and procedures for marking. OA
  5. Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings: Addressing Knowledge Gaps and Skills Training in Ireland. Project Report. OA
  6. Material Aspects of Building and Craft Traditions: A Himalayan Case Study. OA
  7. Dictionary of tools used in the woodworking and allied trades, c. 1700-1970. OA
  8. Old ways of working wood : the techniques and tools of a time-honored craft. OA
  9. VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow : Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture. OA
  10. Artisans versus nobility? multiple identities of elites and ‘commoners’ viewed through the lens of crafting from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean. OA
  11. History of Construction Cultures Volume 1. OA
  12. Essential light straw clay construction. TÜ võrgus
  13. More Straw Bale Building : How to Plan, Design and Build with Straw. TÜ võrgus
  14. Engraved gems : from antiquity to the present
  15. Finding lost wax : The Disappearance and Recovery of an Ancient Casting Technique and the Experiments of Medardo Rosso. TÜ võrgus
  16. The half-timber house, its origin, design, modern plan, and construction. OA
  17. The art of natural building : design, construction, resources. OA
  18. The green self-build book : how to design and build your own eco-home. OA
  19. Wooden objects in historic buildings: Effects of dynamic relative humidity and temperature. OA
  20. Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008. OA
  21. Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Florence 2007. OA
  22. Wood. Rethinking material. OA
  23. Fire Safe Use of Wood in Buildings : Global Design Guide. OA
  24. Icelandic Farmhouses : Identity, landscape and construction (1790-1945). OA
  25. Light and heavy timber framing made easy: balloon framing, mixed framing, heavy timber framing, houses, factories, bridges, barns, rinks, timber-roofs, and all other kinds of timber buildings. 1909, OA
  26. Fabricate 2020 : Making Resilient Architecture. OA
  27. The encyclopaedia of practical carpentry and joinery : comprising the choice, preservation, and strength of materials, explanations of the theory and practical details. OA, 1859
  28. Gebäude aus Fachwerk: Konstruktion – Schäden – Instandsetzung. OA
  29. Fachwerk. OA
  30. Fachwerk in Europe. OA
  31. Timber fasteners : a study on input parameters for the design of timber joints. OA

🔔Rahvuslik metallitöö

  1. Iron and the transformation of society. Reflexion of Viking Age metallurgy. OA osaline
  2.  Metallurgical Production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age. OA
  3. Bronze Age Metalwork: Techniques and traditions in the Nordic Bronze Age 1500-1100 BC. OA
  4. Charismatic Objects: From Roman Times to the Middle Ages. OA
  5. The encyclopedia of jewelry-making techniques. OA  
  6. Hoards, Grave Goods, Jewellery : Objects in Hoards and in Burial Contexts During the Mongol Invasion of Central-Eastern Europe. TÜ võrgus
  7.  Santa Fe Symposium : library of jewelry-making and manufacturing knowledge
  8. The Language of Jewellery : Dress-accessories and Negotiations of Identity in Scandinavia, c. AD 400–650/70. OA
  9.  Zoomorphic Penannular Brooches. OA
  10. Fibula, Fabula, Fact : The Viking Age in Finland. OA
  11. Suspended Value: Using Coins as Pendants in Viking-Age Scandinavia (c. AD 800–1140). OA
  12. The brooches of many nations. OA
  13. Ancient jewellery by Jack Ogden. OA
  14. Enameling on metal by  Untracht, Oppi. OA
  15. Metal techniques for craftsmen : a basic manual for craftsmen on the methods of forming and decorating metals by Untracht, Oppi. OA
  16. Soldering, brazing and welding. OA
  17. Golden Moments: Artefacts of Precious Metals as Products of Luxury Consumption in Finland c. 1200–1600. OA. Vt. ka kataloogi
  18. Marks of Fire, Value and Faith: Swords with Ferrous Inlays in Finland during the Late Iron Age (ca. 700-1200 AD). OA
  19. Medieval Decorated Ironwork in England. OA
  20. Metalcraft and jewelry, by Emil F. Kronquist. OA
  21. Der Schmuck, von Bassermann-Jordan. OA
  22. From amulets to contemporary jewellery. Male jewelery and symbolism: master thesis. OA
  23. Solsølja: Redefining Norwegian folk costume jewelry. OA
  24. The Elemental Analysis of Glass Beads : Technology, Chronology and Exchange. OA
  25. The Glass Beads of the Prehistoric and Roman Periods in Britain and Ireland. OA
  26. The Glass Beads of Anglo-Saxon England OA
  27. Viking age swords from Telemark, Norway. OA
  28. The Baltic in the bronze age. OA
  29. Abrasiva, Schleif- und Poliermittel der Metallverarbeitung in Geschichte, Archäologie und Experiment. OA
  30. Engraved gems : from antiquity to the present
  31. Finding lost wax : The Disappearance and Recovery of an Ancient Casting Technique and the Experiments of Medardo Rosso. TÜ võrgus
  32. Metalworkers and their Tools: Symbolism, Function, and Technology in the Bronze and Iron Ages. OA
  33. Ancient & Historic Metals: Conservation and Scientific Research. OA
  34. Metallography and Microstructure of Ancient and Historic Metals. OA
  35. Women and jewelry : a social approach to wearing and possessing jewelry. OA, doctoral thesis
  36. Die Spur der Glasperlen. Akteure, Strukturen und Wandel im europäisch-Ostafrikanischen Handel wit Glasperlen. OA
  37. SILVER OF THE POSSESSED : Jewellery in the Egyptian zār. OA
  38. Ethnographische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Finnischen Völkerschaften. III, Die Volkstrachten in den Ostseeprovinzen und in Setukesien. OA
  39. Grabfunde aus Estland : Eine archäologische Studie. OA
  40. Autoriehte anatoomia : Eesti ehtekunst 1953-2019. OA
  41. Die Eisenzeit in Lettland bis etwa 500 N. Chr. II. Teil, Analyse, Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi toimetused. OA
  42. Mineralogy of Noble Metals and “Invisible” Speciations of These Elements in Natural Systems. OA
  43. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems. OA
  44. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ruby. OA

✂ Rahvuslik tekstiil

  1.  Scandinavian embroidery, past and present OA (konto)
  2.  Determining prehistoric skin processing technologies OA
  3.  Женская одежда народов Поволжья: (Материалы к этногенезу). OA
  4.  Naiskäsitööd : alg-, keskkoolide ja seminaaride õpperaamat. OA
  5. The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making OA
  6.  Prähistorische Textilkunst in Mitteleuropa OA
  7.  Determining prehistoric skin processing technologies OA
  8. Conservation of Leather and Related Materials TÜ võrgus
  9.  Designing Knit Designers OA
  10.  Textile production at 16-22 Coppergate. OA
  11.  Semiotics of the Cloth : Reading Medieval Norse Textile Traditions. OA
  12. Crossing Gender Boundaries : Fashion to Create, Disrupt and Transcend. OA
  13.  Iconic Costumes : Scandinavian Late Iron Age Costume Iconography. TÜ võrgus
  14.  Ancient danish textiles from bogs and burials. OA
  15.  Primitive shoes : an archaeological-ethnological study based upon shoe finds from the Jutland Peninsula. OA
  16.  Ancient textile techniques in Egypt and Scandinavia. OA
  17. Ancient textiles, modern science. TÜ võrgus
  18. Costumes of the bronze age Denmark. OA
  19. Bronze Age Identities: Costume, Conflict and Contact in Northern Europe 1600-1300 BC. OA
  20. Hame, housut, hamehousut! Vai mikä on tulevaisuutemme?" : naisten päällyshousujen käyttöä koskevat pukeutumisohjeet ja niissä rakentuvat naiseuden ihanteet suomalaisissa naistenlehdissä 1889-1945. OA
  21.  Viking women: underderess. OA
  22. Textile production tools from Viking age graves in Gotland, Sweden. OA
  24. THE LANGUAGE OF APRONS: Signifiers of Femininity. OA
  25. From Chaperones to Chaplets: Aspects of Men’s Headdress, 1400-1519. OA
  26. An ethnographic collection from northern Sakhalin Island. OA
  27. The Dress of Women: A Critical Introduction to the Symbolism and Sociology of Clothing. OA
  28. Studies in primitive looms. OA
  29. Tracht und Schmuck im Nordischen Raum 1. Band. OA
  31. Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD. OA
  32. Not Just for Show : The Archaeology of Beads, Beadwork, and Personal Ornaments. TÜ võrgus 
  33. Clothes make the man : early medieval textiles from the Netherlands. OA
  34. Furs and fabrics : transformations, clothing and identity in East Greenland. OA
  35. From traditional skirt to interior textile. Creation of blankets inspired by yellow Muhu skirt. OA
  36. From ornaments to leather accessories: Creation of accessory collection inspired by Viking age ornaments. OA
  37. The preColumbian Textiles in the Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Germany. OA
  38. Egyptian textiles and their production: ‘word’ and ‘object. OA
  39. Textile and clothing along the Silk Roads. OA
  40. The impact of technological change on medieval fashion. OA
  41. Crafting textiles : Tablet Weaving, Sprang, Lace and Other Techniques from the Bronze Age to the Early 17th Century. TÜ võrgus
  42. Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity : The Clothing of the Middle and Lower Classes. TÜ võrgus
  43. Burial textiles: Textile bits and pieces in central Sweden, AD 500–800. OA
  44. European Women and Preindustrial Craft. OA
  45. Die koptischen Textilien im Landesmuseum Württemberg. OA
  46. Textiles and clothing along the Silk Roads. OA
  47. Textile production manual: tie and dye, bleach and dye, batik, screen printing and painting. OA
  48. Fashion and costume museums. OA
  49. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research of North and Central European Archaeological Textiles. OA 
  50. Luonnonväriaineet OA
  51. Smocking : traditional & modern approaches. OA
  52. Folk costumes from Finnish Karelia. OA
  53. Ancient Finnish costumes. OA
  54. Lithuanian national costume. OA
  55. Daughter of the North - Reinterpreting Tradition Through Contemporary Fashion and Textile Design. OA, MA thesis
  56. Clothes, Culture and Crafts - Dress and Fashion among Artisans and Small Shopkeepers in the Danish town of Elsinore 1550–1650. OA, doctoral thesis
  57. The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present. OA
  58. Fashioning the Viking Age. 1, Fibres, Tools & Textiles. OA
  59. Fashioning the Viking age. 2, From Analysis to Reconstruction. OA
  60. Fashioning the Viking Age. 4, Viking age wool fibres. OA
  61. Ethnographische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Finnischen Völkerschaften. III, Die Volkstrachten in den Ostseeprovinzen und in Setukesien. OA
  62. Muuseumisõnastik. Tekstiilide konserveerimine. OA


  1. Circular Composites : A design guide for products containing composite materials in a circular economy. OA
  2. The Circular Economy Challenge: Towards a Sustainable Development. OA
  3. Transitioning to a circular economy : Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems. OA
  4. Transitioning to Responsible Consumption and Production. OA
  5. Re-manufacturing networks for tertiary architectures : Innovative organizational models towards circularity. OA
  6. Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems : The design for environmentally sustainable textile clothes and its Product-Service Systems. OA
  7. Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development. OA
  8. Sustainability. Special issue: Circular economy. OA
  9. Sustainability. Special issue: Product Design and Consumer Behavior in A Circular Economy. OA
  10. Through the threaded needle : A multi-sited ethnography on the sociomateriality of garment mending practices. OA
  11. Influence of consumption behaviours, attitudes and barriers toward clothing repair. OA
  12. The virtuous circle (Volume 7). OA
  13. Mendings. OA 
  14. Aesthetic politics in fashion. OA
  15. Innovation of Textiles through Natural By-Products and Wastes. OA
  16. Fashion Media and Sustainability: Encouraging Ethical Consumption via Journalism and Influencers. OA
  17. Recycling from Waste in Fashion and Textiles : A Sustainable and Circular Economic Approach. TÜ võrgus
  18. Materials in Progress : Innovations for Designers and Architects. TÜ võrgus
  19. Dictionary of Ecodesign : An Illustrated Reference. TÜ võrgus
  20. Design + Environment : A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods. TÜ võrgus
  21. Circular Economy : From Waste Reduction to Value Creation. TÜ võrgus
  22. Shaping Sustainable Fashion : Changing the Way We Make and Use Clothes. TÜ võrgus
  23. Materials and Design : The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design. TÜ võrgus
  24. Materiology : The Creative Industry's Guide to Materials and Technologies. TÜ võrgus
  25. Schauplätze des Reparierens und Selbermachens. OA
  26. Potential Ecodesign Requirements for Textiles and Furniture. OA
  27. Prevention of Textile Waste: Material flows of textiles in three Nordic countries and suggestions on policy instruments. OA
  28. Stimulating Textile-to-Textile Recycling. OA
  29. Post-consumer textile circularity in the Baltic countries: Current status and recommendations for the future. OA
  30. Zero Waste Systems Thinking: Multimorphic Textile-Forms. OA
  31. Design for Circularity: The Case of OA
  32. Sustainable and Environmental freindly fibers in Textile Fashion (A Study of Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fibers) OA
  33. Fashion and Environmental Sustainability : Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology. OA
  34. The Pedagogies of Re-Use : The International School of Re-Construction. OA
  35.  Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems : The design for environmentally sustainable textile clothes and its Product-Service Systems. OA
  36. Sustainable fashion: New approaches. OA
  37. Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy. OA
  38. The Hipster Economy : Taste and authenticity in late modern capitalism
  39. Stories of Waste and Value : Roots of a Circular Economy. OA
  40. The Common Thread: Collected Essays in Honour of Eva Andersson Strand. OA
  41. The Routledge Handbook of Catalysts for a Sustainable Circular Economy. OA

🎼Muusika, koolimuusika

  1.  Music as Intangible Cultural Heritage OA
  2. Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry TÜ võrgus
  3. Cabaniss, M. Music business essentials : A guide for aspiring professionals. TÜ võrgus
  4. Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education OA
  5. Expanding Professionalism in Music and Higher Music Education : A Changing Game OA
  6. Music Technology in Education : Channeling and Challenging Perspectives. OA
  7. Music in Motion : Diversity and Dialogue in Europe. Study in the frame of the »ExTra! Exchange Traditions« project. OA
  8. Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research OA
  9. New Sounds, New Stories : Narrativity in Contemporary Music. OA
  10. Choral Pedagogy TÜ võrgus
  11. MENC Handbook of Musical Cognition and Development TÜ võrgus
  12. Music, Informal Learning and the School: a New Classroom Pedagogy : A New Classroom Pedagogy. TÜ võrgus
  13. Transforming Music Education. TÜ võrgus
  14. Using Technology to Unlock Musical Creativity. TÜ võrgus
  15. Vocal Health and Pedagogy: Science, Assessment,and Treatment. TÜ võrgus
  16. The field of musical improvisation OA
  17. Improvisation and social aesthetic. OA
  18. Virtual Works – Actual Things : Essays in Music Ontology. OA
  19. Keiner wird gewinnen : Populäre Musik im Wettbewerb. OA
  20. Clipped Differences : Geschlechterrepräsentationen im Musikvideo. OA
  21. Musical Play: Children interacting with and around music technology. OA
  22. Meeting the Audience and Myself. A singer’s search for reflection through music. OA
  23. Imagination, Form, Movement and Sound: Studies in Musical Improvisation. OA
  24.  The Power of Music : An Exploration of the Evidence. OA. Research Synthesis of the Impact of Actively Making Music on the Intellectual, Social and Personal Development of Children and Young People
  25. Cognition and Music Performance. OA
  26. Classical Music : Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. OA
  27. Creation of Versions for a Pre-composed Tune Utilizing Procedures of Folk Music. OA
  28. Children’s Guided Participation in Jazz Improvisation: A Study of the ‘Improbasen’ Learning Centre. OA
  29. Songcrafting practice : a teacher inquiry into the potential to support collaborative creation and creative agency within school music education. OA
  30. Elements of electroacoustic music improvisation and performance. OA
  31. Plural possibilities of improvisation in music education: an ecological perspective on choral improvisation and wellbeing. OA
  32. Vocal pedagogy and contemporary commercial music : reflections on higher education non-classical vocal pedagogy in the United States and Finland. OA
  33. Developing expertise of popular music and jazz vocal pedagogy through professional conversations : a collaborative project among teachers in higher music education in the Nordic countries. OA
  34. Martin Williams. The jazz tradition. TÜ võrgus
  35. Martin Williams. Jazz in its time. TÜ võrgus
  36. Knowing in Performing : Artistic Research in Music and the Performing Arts. OA
  37. What is the basic rule of outside? : The Construction of a Jazz Improvisation Concept in On-line Environments. OA
  38. Music in evolution and evolution in music. OA
  39. Music Students’ Experiences of Workload,Stress, and Coping in Higher Education. OA
  40. Musical Gentrification : Popular Music, Distinction and Social Mobility. OA
  41. Walking in the footprints of giants: A study about the art of vocal improvising and phrasing in jazz music. OA
  42. Evaluation and Credentialing in Digital Music Communities : Benefits and Challenges for Learning and Assessment. OA
  43. YouTube and Music : Online Culture and Everyday Life. OA
  44. Audience responses in the light of perception–action theories of empathy. Peatk. rmt-st "Music and emphaty". OA
  45. Ethical musicality. OA
  46. Human voice and instrumental voice : an investigation of voicelikeness. OA
  47. Praxes for confident music improvising : doktoritöö. OA
  48. Unlocking the digital age : The Musician's Guide to Research, Copyright, and Publishing. OA
  49. Foundational Sight Singing. OA
  50. Vocal techniques for the instrumentalist. OA
  51. Noise as a Constructive Element in Music : Theoretical and Music-Analytical Perspectives. OA
  52. Open Music Theory. OA
  53. A Practical Approach to Understanding Music Theory. OA
  54. Fundamentals of Music Theory. OA
  55. Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom. OA
  56. Brass Techniques and Pedagogy. OA
  57. Music - the cultural bridge. Essence, Contexts, References. OA


  1. Developing ALPS : notes on agency in technology. OA
  2. Case-Specific Electroacoustic Systems : a compositional approach to electroacoustic systems design. OA
  3. The Digital Musician .TÜ võrgus
  4. Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription TÜ võrgus
  5. The history of music production. TÜ võrgus
  6. Capturing sound : How technology has changed music. TÜ võrgus
  7. Wired for sound : Engineering and technologies in sonic cultures. TÜ võrgus
  8. Architectural acoustics. TÜ võrgus
  9. Musical sound effects : Analog and digital sound processing. TÜ võrgus
  10. Lmms : A complete guide to dance music production : a complete guide to dance music production. TÜ võrgus
  11. Music production : For producers, composers, arrangers, and students. TÜ võrgus
  12. Critical approaches to the production of music and sound. TÜ võrgus
  13. The art of digital audio recording : A practical guide for home and studio. TÜ võrgus
  14. Engaging with everyday sounds. OA
  15. Bytes and Backbeats : Repurposing Music in the Digital Age. OA
  16. Sonic designExplorations Between Art and Science. OA

👪Kogukonnaharidus. Kunstide ja tehnoloogia õpetus

  1. Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education : The Future is All-Over OA
  2. The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education OA
  3. Young Adults and Active Citizenship : Towards Social Inclusion through Adult Education OA
  4. Chemical Youth : Navigating Uncertainty in Search of the Good Life OA
  5. Chapter 12 Children's perspectives on green space management in Sweden and Denmark OA
  6.  Accounting for Culture : Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship OA
  7.  Schooling for Life : Community Education and Social Enterprise. TÜ võrgus
  8.  Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19 OA
  9.  Human Development from Middle Childhood to Middle Adulthood OA
  10.  Games for Actors and Non-Actors TÜ võrgus
  11.  Dancing Together. Behavior and Context in the Scandinavian Folk Dance and Music Community OA
  12. New Teachers in Nordic Countries : Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction. OA
  13. Youth on the Move : Tendencies and Tensions in Youth Policies and Practices. OA
  14. Outdoor Learning and Play : Pedagogical Practices and Children's Cultural Formation. OA
  15. Cultural Perspectives on Aging. OA
  16. Homo Educandus :Why Our School System is Broken and What We Can Do About It. OA
  17. Cultural Policy for Arts Education : African-European Practises and Perspectives. OA
  18. Social-Emotional Competences of Preschoolers: The Impact of Outdoor Educational Activities. OA
  19.  Didactic classroom studies : A potential research direction. OA
  20. Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age : Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education. OA
  21. High-Quality Outdoor Learning. OA
  22.  Ethik in pädagogischen Beziehungen. OA
  23. ArtsEqual : equality as the future path for the arts and arts education services. OA
  24. Learning Cultural Literacy through Creative Practices in Schools : Cultural and Multimodal Approaches to Meaning-Making. OA
  25. Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities: The Local/Global Context. OA
  26. Politics and Community-Based Research : Perspectives from Yeoville Studio, Johannesburg. OA
  27. Building Communities of Trust : Creative Work for Social Change. OA
  28. Assessment for Experiential Learning. TÜ võrgus
  29. Invention pedagogy :  OA
  30. Integrating the Performing Arts in Grades K-5. TÜ võrgus
  31. Creativities in Arts Education, Research and Practice : International Perspectives for the Future of Learning and Teaching. TÜ võrgus
  32. How the Gifted Brain Learns. TÜ võrgus
  33. Assessment for Experiential Learning. OA
  34. Doing Critical and Creative Research in Adult Education : Case Studies in Methodology and Theory. OA
  35. Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic’s Distance Learning on Students and Teachers in Schools and in Higher Education. OA
  36. Arts-Based Methods in Education Around the World. OA
  37. Educational Theory in the 21st Century. OA
  38. Visual artist’s workbook : essays and exercises on teaching arts. OA
  39. Cultural history of youth in the modern age. OA
  40. Creativity : Process and Personality. OA
  41. Problem-based learning and pedagogies of play : Active approaches towards Self-Directed Learning. OA
  42. Creativity in Art, Design and Technology. OA 
  43. Creativity in education : International Perspectives. OA
  44. Performance und Irritation : Theaterpädagogik als Handlungswissenschaft. OA
  45. Educational Processes, Decisions, and the Development of Competencies from Early Preschool Age to Adolescence : Findings from the BiKS Cohort Panel Studies. OA
  46. Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. OA
  47. Craft and Design Practice from an Embodied Perspective. OA
  48. Arts in Nature with Children and Young People : A Guide Towards Health Equality, Wellbeing, and Sustainability. OA

🙌Kultuurikorraldus. Ettevõtlus. Loomemajandus

  1. Mapping of Nordic Creative and Cultural Industries. OA
  2. Culture Management : Strategy and marketing aspects OA
  3. Managing the arts. 4. OA
  4. Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe OA
  5. Social Enterprise in Western Europe OA
  6.  Curating Contemporary Music Festivals : A New Perspective on Music's Mediation. OA
  7. Music as Intangible Cultural Heritage : Economic, Cultural and Social Identity. OA
  8.  Doing the Right Thing : A Value Based Economy. OA
  9.  Organizational Behavior : An Evidence-Based Approach. TÜ võrgus
  10.  Das Konzertpublikum der Zukunft : Forschungsperspektiven, Praxisreflexionen und Verortungen im Spannungsfeld einer sich verändernden Gesellschaft. OA
  11.  Organization Management – Dynamic Creative Team Coordination. OA
  12.  People and Work in Events and Conventions : A Research Perspective. TÜ võrgus
  13.  Project Management : A Professional Approach to Events. TÜ võrgus
  14.  Event Management: How to Apply Best Practices to Small Scale Events. TÜ võrgus
  15.  Consumer Behavior Knowledge for Effective Sports and Event Marketing TÜ võrgus
  16.  Reconstruction of the arts sector : roadmap for a sustainable future. OA
  17.  Festivals and the City : The Contested Geographies of Urban Events. OA
  18.  Die intelligente Kulturorganisation: Management von Informations- und Wissensnetzwerken im Theaterbetrieb. OA
  19.  Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities : Place, Culture, and Local Representation. OA
  20. Cultural Heritage in a Changing World. OA
  21. Art Cities, Cultural Districts and Museums. OA
  22. Managing Cultural Festivals : Tradition and Innovation in Europe. OA osaline
  23. Europe from Below : Notions of Europe and the European among Participants in EU Cultural Initiatives. OA
  24. Detecting, defining and developing soft skills in business and ICT contexts. OA
  26. The changing role of the arts manager. OA
  27. Embracing the Future: Creative Industries for Environment and Advanced Society 5.0 in a Post-Pandemic Era. OA
  28. Queer Festivals. OA
  29. Reconstruction of the arts sector : roadmap for a sustainable future. OA
  30. Making sense of arts management: Research, cases and practices. OA
  31. Managing Art Projects with Societal Impact : Study Book for Students, Stakeholders and Researchers. OA
  32. Entrepreneurship in the Raw Materials Sector : Proceedings of LIMBRA the International Scientific Conference. OA
  33. Podcasting as an intimate medium. OA
  34. Harnessing the bohemian: artists as innovation partners in rural and remote communities. OA
  35. Die Fabrikation von Kreativität : Organisation und Kommunikation in der Mode. OA
  36. Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries. TÜ võrgus
  37. Culture and Commerce : The Value of Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries. TÜ võrgus
  38. Cultural Work : Understanding the Cultural Industries. TÜ võrgus
  39. Creative economy report, 2013, special edition: widening local development pathways. OA
  40. Creative economy outlook 2022. OA
  41. The creative economy : key concepts and literature review highlights. OA
  42. The Art of Re-thinking : New Era for Arts Managements. OA
  43. Heritage and Festivals in Europe : Performing Identities. OA
  44. Sustainability. Special Issue "Sustainable Cultural Management". OA
  45. Diversity and Inclusion: a mission-critical task for today’s arts managers. OA
  46. Music For Sale?: Umeå Open & Umeå International Jazz Festival - A Study in Event Marketing. OA
  47. Revenue determinants of music festivals: A case of pop/rock, jazz and classical music festivals in Scandinavia. OA
  48. Music Production; from idea to complete record. OA
  49. Management of Uncertain Resources in Film Festival Organisations: a first European Picture. OA
  50. The Art of Re-Thinking: New Era for Arts Management. OA
  51. Developing a Sense of Place : The Role of the Arts in Regenerating Communities. OA
  52. Social and Marketing Aspects of Relationship Shaping on the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services : The Context of the Polish-Czech Borderland. OA
  53. Perspectives on Mentorship – Reinventing Mentoring in Arts and Creative Industries Management. OA
  54. Sports marketing. OA
  55. Business Models and Digital Technology Platforms : Implementation and Complexities for Digital Business. OA
  56. The Platformisation of Consumer Culture : A Digital Methods Guide. OA
  57. The Handbook of Cultural work. OA
  58. The Platformisation of Consumer Culture : A Digital Methods Guide. OA
  59. Meaningful encounters : value-based foundations of art-ups. OA
  60. The Path to Funding: The Artist’s Guide to Building Your Audience, Generating Income, and Realizing Career Sustainability. OA
  61. Cultural Industries and Sustainable Development. OA

👺Etenduskunstid: teater

  1. E-aamatud sarjast "The Key Debates: Mutations and Appropriations in European Film Studies" OA
  2. Acting Emotions OA
  3. Performing care : New perspectives on socially engaged performance OA
  4. Contemporary Mise en Scène : Staging Theatre Today TÜ võrgus
  5. Filming, Researching, Annotating : Research Video Handbook OA
  6.  How to Start Your Own Theater Company TÜ võrgus
  7. Teaching Actors : Knowledge Transfer in Actor Training. TÜ võrgus
  8. Post cinema : cinema in the post-art era OA
  9. Theater und Medien / Theatre and the Media. OA
  10. Teatripedagoogika muutuvas maailmas. OA 
  11. Reflexive dramaturgy : Études for the (performing)arts in a time of change. OA
  12. Embodied Acting : What Neuroscience Tells Us about Performance. TÜ võrgus
  13. Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity : Processes of Learning Creating and Organising. OA
  14.  Animal Acts: Performing Species Today. OA
  15.  Actors and the art of performance. OA
  16.  Postdramatic Dramaturgies : Resonances between Asia and Europe. OA
  17. Mapping Intermediality in Performance. OA
  18. Performing the Digital : Performance Studies and Performances in Digital Cultures. OA
  19.  Interacting – coordinating text understanding in a student theatre production. OA
  20. Resetting the Stage : Public Theatre Between the Market and Democracy. OA
  21. Research methods in theatre and performance. TÜ võrgus
  22. Viral Performance : Contagious Theaters from Modernism to the Digital Age. OA
  23. Looking for direction : rethinking theatre directing practices and pedagogies in the 21st century. OA
  24. The almost manual : on asynchrony, time lapse, choreography, and extravagant details in life and creative process. OA
  25. Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft : Zur Fördersituation der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Deutschland. OA
  26. A New Poetics of Chekhov's Plays : Presence Through Absence. TÜ võrgus
  27. Theater as Data : Computational Journeys into Theater Research. OA
  28. Etenduskunstide uurimismeetodid. E-õpik. OA
  29. Role Playing and Identity : The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor. OA
  30. Approaching theatre. OA
  31. The theater of narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy. OA
  32. This and that : essays on live art and performance studies. OA
  33. Knowing in Performing : Artistic Research in Music and the Performing Arts. OA
  34. Future theatre research : Origin, Medium, Performance-Text, Reception and Acting. TÜ võrgus
  35. Allumatud kehad. Radikaalsed performatiivsed praktikad 20. ja 21. sajandi kunstis ja kultuuris. OA
  36. Grotowski, Women, and Contemporary Performance: Meetings with Remarkable Women. OA
  37. Acting through Voice and Speech: A Tone Resonates. An Idea seeks support: Words grope for Wings: A Tale needs to be Told. OA
  38. Improvising Cinema. OA: This spirited volume explores the history and diversity of improvisation in the cinema, including works by Jean Renoir, Jean-Luc Godard, and Nobuhiro Suwa
  39. Audiences : Defining and Researching Screen Entertainment Reception. OA
  40. Forms of Emotion : Human to Nonhuman in Drama, Theatre and Contemporary Performance. OA osaline
  41. Performance Spaces and Stage Technologies: A Comparative Perspective on Theatre History. OA
  42. The Post-traumatic Theatre of Grotowski and Kantor : History and Holocaust in ‘Akropolis’ and ‘Dead Class’. OA
  43. TheatreAppreciation. OA
  44. Masks. OA

  1. Dance on Its Own Terms : Histories and Methodologies TÜ võrgus
  2. Tanz der Dinge/Things that dance OA
  3. Tanzpraxis in der Forschung – Tanz als Forschungspraxis. OA
  4. Expanded Choreographies - Choreographic Histories : Trans-Historical Perspectives Beyond Dance and Human Bodies in Motion. OA
  5. Communication and Shared Understanding of Assessment: A phenomenological study of assessment in Swedish upper secondary dance education. OA
  6. Dramaturgy in Motion : At Work on Dance and Movement Performance. TÜ võrgus
  7. Physics and Dance. TÜ võrgus
  8. Understanding Body Movement : A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. OA
  9. Körper als Archiv in Bewegung : Choreografie als historiografische Praxis. OA
  10. Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity : Processes of Learning Creating and Organising. OA
  11. Functional Awareness : Anatomy in Action for Dancers. TÜ võrgus
  12. Trisha Brown : Choreography As Visual Art. TÜ võrgus
  13. The Mary Wigman book: her writings. OA
  14. Emerging bodies: The Performance of Worldmaking in Dance and Choreography. OA
  15. Choreographed by situation : self-organizing choreography and the dancer’s agencement. OA
  16. Dance, Ageing and Collaborative Arts-Based Research. OA
  17. Processing Choreography :Thinking with William Forsythe's Duo. OA
  18. Perpetual Motion : Dance, Digital Cultures, and the Common. OA
  19. Raising artists : dreaming up more holistic dance education. OA
  20. Re-thinking fundraising of dance companies in Finnish cultural political environment: master's theses. OA
  21. To Dance in the Age of No-Future. OA
  22. Movement first: Directing for Movement-Based Performative Arts. OA
  23. Passion, pathways and potential in dance. OA 
  24. The clever body. OA 
  25. here for a moment - an attempt to knowing the practice by practicing. OA
  26. Reddening: Methodology for intensifying emotions during dancing. OA
  27. Softer and wilder? Ways of Engaging with Dance Performance Practices, Collective Work and Production Economy. OA
  28. The Persistence of Dance : Choreography as Concept and Material in Contemporary Art. OA
  29. Ethical Agility in Dance : Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance. Osaline OA
  30. Performance Generating Systems in Dance: Dramaturgy, Psychology, and Performativity. Osaline OA
  31. Choreophonien: Konstellationen von Stimme und Körper im Tanz der Moderne und der Gegenwart. OA
  32. Dancing. Arts for health. OA


  1. Directors & Designers. TÜ võrgus
  2. Stage Lighting Handbook. TÜ võrgus
  3. Theatre and Performance Design : A Reader in Scenography. TÜ võrgus
  4. Scenography: Essays on the Meaning of Visuality in Performance Events. TÜ võrgus
  5. Teaterproduksjon : ti produksjonsestetiske innganger. OA
  6. Street theatre and the production of postindustrial space. OA
  7. Theatrical scene painting; a thorough and complete work on how to sketch, paint and install theatrical scenery. OA
  8. Scenic art and construction. OA
  9. The history of stage and theatre lighting. OA
  10. Show case : A guide to developing, maintaining, and presenting a design-tech portfolio for theatre and allied fields. TÜ võrgus
  11. Drafting for the Theatre. TÜ võrgus
  12. Scenic Art for the Theatre : History, Tools and Techniques. TÜ võrgus
  13. The Model As Performance : Staging Space in Theatre and Architecture. TÜ võrgus
  14. Installation art as experience of self, in space and time. TÜ võrgus
  15. Image Beyond the Screen : Projection Mapping. TÜ võrgus
  16. Activating the Inanimate: Visual Vocabularies of Performance Practice : Visual Vocabularies of Performance Practice. TÜ võrgus
  17. Making Sense of Space : The Design and Experience of Virtual Spaces As a Tool for Communication
  18. Seenography: Essays on the Meaning of Visuality in Performance Events. TÜ võrgus
  19. Stage Lighting : Fundamentals and Applications. TÜ võrgus
  20. The Scenography of Josef Svoboda. OA
  21. Svoboda: Wagner : Joseph Svoboda's Scenography for Richard Wagner's Operas. OA
  22. Digital light. OA
  23. The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections: Where Screen Boundaries Lie. OA
  24. 360 degrees : focus on lighting design. OA
  25. Scenography in Action: Space, Time and Movement in Theatre Productions by Ingmar Bergman. OA
  26. Theatre Lighting Before Electricity. OA
  27. Sustainable choices : potentials and practices in performance design. OA
  28. Performance Spaces and Stage Technologies: A Comparative Perspective on Theatre History. OA
  29. Renaissance Fun : The machines behind the scenes. OA
  30. Technical Theatre Practicum - Version 1. OA
  31. An Introduction to Technical Theatre. OA
  32. Acute case studies / Taavet Jansen jt. OA
  33. MOCO: movement and computing Conference Proceedings (2018-2024) OA 

👀Vaba juurdepääsuga e- ja audioraamatud

👉MIRKO : virtuaalne raamaturiiul
👉OAPEN - open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication
👉Open Textbook Library - avatud juurdepääsuga e-raamatud erineval teemadel: haridus, muusika, etenduskunstid jne.
👉Kirjastus Brill e-raamatud
👉Internet Archive
👉Läti Rahvusraamatukogu andmebaas: läti kultuur, käsitöö, rahvarõivad, arheoloogia, ajalugu
👉Sidestone Press e-raamatud. Ajalugu, arheoloogia
👉Kirjastus De Gruyter e-raamatud
👉Getty Publications kunstiraamatud
👉Metropolitan Museum of Art kunstiraamatud
👉Archaeopress arheoloogia-alased e-raamatud
👉Проект Музея антропологии и этнографии (Кунсткамера)
👉Guggenheim Museum kunstiraamatud
👉Google Books
👉 E-raamatud TÜ digirepositooriumis DSpace
👉 E-raamatud + üliõpilastööd. Tallinna Ülikooli andmebaas ETERA
👉 E-õpikud TalTech digikogus
👉 TAJU : Taideyliopisto digiarhiiv
👉DIVA : 50 rootsi teadusasutuse ühine andmebaas
👉Gothenburg University e-books (pärandkultuur)
👉UNESCO digital library

💻E-raamatute täistekstid TÜ arvutivõrgus

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